Burn off at Camp Hill, quite a scary sight, looked like a fire city of lights

My Stauff! He's had a rough life my dear bear. Took some abstract photos of him!

Night Falls over the cold lands, dark beneath the moon, Black Fox stands...He lifts his head and howls at the moon.

Last spring he found White Vixen, her fur like frost, her eyes as cool as the flowing stream.

She was as lithe as the whirling wind and she flickered over the moors. She was the most beautiful vixen Black Fox had ever seen.

They hunted side by side, field mice cowered in their wake. They left no Morsel for the mocking raven.

Warm in their den, they curled so close they could feel their beating hearts. Outside, the moon was rising.

They ran side by side under the silver light.

They watched the livestock resting in the fields, peaceful, silent, still.

There is never any hunger in spring.

As Autumn leaves fall from the old elm, thunder cracks the silence. Then as the fire dies away, the leaves rustle a rasping sigh.

White Vixen slept outside the den, her fur glittered with red rubies, the warmth beneath the icy fur fading away like the last rays of the moon.

Black Fox howls at the moon and in the night he runs alone.
I made this story up at Tafe. I've always like foxes, they are mysterious creatures. I was inspired by the novel, A Black Fox Running by Brian Carter and the T.V. series and the books The Animals Of Farthing Wood by Colin Dann
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